Chorus is so catchy man, glad I could help you with mixing! it turned out fantastic with all the mastering you did man.
Chorus is so catchy man, glad I could help you with mixing! it turned out fantastic with all the mastering you did man.
Thanks uncle salt!
this is some nasty 140. Is there anyway I could purchase or download this track so I could rinse it?
I'm glad you enjoyed! This track is available to purchase on bandcamp in the "all platforms" link in the description!
It will also be free to download as part of Halloween event for the label in a few days. I can dm you when this is the case :)
The California Honey Mandarin Tree is better than your stupid gourds.
What the F would you do if the government had a monopoly
"I just blew up this bathroom"
what about this is dubstep??????????????????????? good song but wtf
bullshitted a random genre idk what would work lmao
btw it's me, acheney :)
dis dat rastefarian mad dubbin breaka breaka drop em like a sundae chuine!
Rasta rasta with Chine
okay there is quite a bit of mastering issues with this track but other than that this is really well done! it also did not need to be almost 6 minutes it could have been shortened but yeah, good start!
Thanks for the honest feedback!
I think that what you mean is my song has some issues in the mix rather than the mastering, as mastering isn't that crucial of a stage in music production and often doesn't have much of an impact on the overall quality of the track. (That is why I personally do not master my music, but just mix it.) I still appreciate you pointing that out, as I often do run into mixing issues pretty often when making music.
Although very difficult to do given the structure of my music, I will consider making shorter songs in the future!
Again, thx for the feedback!
the best song you have ever made by far its so calm yet so adventurous outstanding work bro i hope you go places in the future!!!
thank you myMan
that was actually really good!
ayyy good to see you here thanks :)
A fat bat🎸
I make da music dat dubs. I like bursting my eardrums with da dubs. Filthy FIlthy MUST NEED!
Aint teeelllliiiinnnnn
Joined on 12/11/19