Chorus is so catchy man, glad I could help you with mixing! it turned out fantastic with all the mastering you did man.
Chorus is so catchy man, glad I could help you with mixing! it turned out fantastic with all the mastering you did man.
Thanks uncle salt!
hardcore The Private Riot vibes by liquid stranger! this is dope af honestly
love the crunchyness of the midrange basses but I believe they can use a bit of stereo even if this is a 2011 track. alot of tracks from that era use stereo imaging to let it shine and I had this problem for awhile until I finally figured out how to properly image my basses.
Good work though! reminds me of Wall-E by Cyberoptics a bit
yeah this is badass asf, I love that trapstep transition in the second drop. This gives me mad 2011-2012 liquid stranger drumstep vibes man keep it up
this is really solid I absolutely love the UKG inspiration in the second drop.
I would say the stereo imaging on the bass that comes in around 0:47 could use some work though as it feels more like it's trying to be stereo rather than actually being stereo compared to the other basses.
This is amazing! mad Cyberoptics - Pimpin vibes haha I love it! Keep it up
those rubber sheet sounding basslines remind me of D-Jahsta's Slug Bass haha! This is sick!
this is some nasty 140. Is there anyway I could purchase or download this track so I could rinse it?
I'm glad you enjoyed! This track is available to purchase on bandcamp in the "all platforms" link in the description!
It will also be free to download as part of Halloween event for the label in a few days. I can dm you when this is the case :)
always loved the second drop :D
The California Honey Mandarin Tree is better than your stupid gourds.
What the F would you do if the government had a monopoly
"I just blew up this bathroom"
I make da music dat dubs. I like bursting my eardrums with da dubs. Filthy FIlthy MUST NEED!
Aint teeelllliiiinnnnn
Joined on 12/11/19